Academic Policies on Enrollment

Cross-enrollment, Re-admission, and Residency

I did not enroll last term but would like to enroll this coming term. What do I do?
Ans:  Apply for Readmission If you are a continuing student but was not enrolled or on Leave of Absence during the current term, then you are on Absence...
Fri, 2 Aug, 2019 at 1:43 AM
How do I enroll in courses outside the AA course offerings? Apply for Cross-registration
First of all, please be guided by the Cross-Registration policy of the Associate in Arts program: Cross registration of ACADEMIC subjects: Cross reg...
Fri, 2 Aug, 2019 at 4:54 AM
I am not enrolling in any course this term, what should I do? Enroll in Residency or go on LOA
If, for some reason, you decide that enrolling in the coming term or in the current term is not to your best interest, what should you do? Many a studen...
Wed, 7 Aug, 2019 at 10:26 AM
What is MRR? I am told that I have exceeded the MRR of the Associate in Arts program.
The MRR is the Maximum Residency Rule of the university.  The maximum residency is the time the University allows its students to finish a program.  For the...
Sun, 10 Sep, 2023 at 12:50 PM