First of all, please be guided by the Cross-Registration policy of the Associate in Arts program:
Cross registration of ACADEMIC subjects:
Cross registration allows you enroll in a full load in case the courses you need in your Plan of Study are not offered. You may cross register for academic courses in other (residential) UP units only. There is a limit to the number of units that you can take outside the UPOU AA Program in order to graduate, this should be no more than 50% of the total academic units. (If you have already earned some of your units via Transfer of Credit, then be aware of this limitation when cross-enrolling.)
Do NOT request for cross-registration unless you meet either of these two conditions:
- You may already be considered for graduation in the coming term and would have to take course/s which are currently not offered in UPOU.
- You have no courses to take for the current term because you already took and passed them prior.
Cross registration of NON ACADEMIC subjects:
CWTS and PE units can be cross-registered in UP units or other Colleges or Universities provided that the UPOU and the other university allows for it. However, note that this is not highly advised because the UPOU might have some difficulty in receiving your grades from the other University.
Cross Registration of courses that are not in the AA Curriculum (yes, this includes courses in BES and BAMS):
It is in your (and our) best interests that you finish your AA program at the least amount of time with the least amount of distractions. Thus, we do not allow for cross-enrollment of extraneous courses for regular students.
Even graduating students in their last term with less than 12 units load are discouraged from enrolling courses outside of AA, because there have been cases of graduating students who were delayed from graduation due to their inability to pass their (required) AA courses.
Cross-Registration process
When you apply for cross-registration, you are asking the UPOU to request you target university to accept you as a student for a particular course. Because of this, your application for cross-registration goes from the Program Chair, to the Faculty Secretary, to the Faculty Dean, to the Office of the University Registrar, and then finally to the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs. Appreciate that this is quite a long process, spanning 4 offices in 2 different locations. Thus, if you wish to apply for cross registration, you will need to:
- Identify the course you wish to enroll in your target university
- Know the enrollment schedule of your target university, and
- Allow for several weeks lead time so you will get your papers in time for the enrollment in your target uni.
- Your Program Chair might ask for your Plan of Study, among other things, before endorsing your application.
- Any of the other officials mentioned may ask you for justification for cross-registration of your course.
- Tuition subsidies and Scholarships may not be honored in your Target university.
Do note that enrolling in an academic course in another University also requires some complicated mathematics (hehe) because a semestral course usually straddles two UPOU terms, thus, your 12 unit maximum load for 2 terms will be affected.
Cross-registration Procedure
- Read the appropriate section from this site.
- Download the Permit to Cross Register form here.
- Fill up the permit with the courses you wish to enroll (and alternate courses as well). Note that:
- Number of units registered at Home unit is the number of units registered with UPOU. This takes the form of ACADEMIC UNITS + (NON ACADEMIC UNITS), i.e., 9 + (3) if you are enrolled in 9 units academic coursework plus (3) units of CWTS
- Number of units applied for as a cross-registrant is the number of units you wish to enroll in your target university. This also takes the form of ACADEMIC UNITS + (NON ACADEMIC UNITS), i.e., 3 + (2) if you wish to cross-enroll in 3 units academic coursework plus (2) units of PE
- Total number of Units is the number of units in UPOU plus the number of units you wish to cross-enroll, like so: ACADEMIC UNITS + (NON-ACADEMIC UNITS). In our previous example, this should be 12 + (5).
- Sign the Permit, Scan and email to the Office of the Faculty ( cc the and the