If you are currently enrolled in a course that you would like to drop, be sure to file for an official dropping of your courses. To do this, kindly refer to this UPOU Helpdesk article -
(NOTE: You may have to login to view this article. Kindly use your UPOU or UP mail account to do so. Once you have logged in, you can now view the article)
In addition, you can find the application form for dropping of courses here - https://registrar.upou.edu.ph/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Request-Form-for-Filing-Dropping-of-Courses.pdf (NOTE: The application form is also attached to this article, which you can find below)
Be sure to take note of the deadline for filing of dropping by visiting the UPOU OUR website - https://registrar.upou.edu.ph/the-academic-calendar/
If you have any questions or concerns, kindly send a ticket to the AA Helpdesk. Thank you.